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The PREPARE project (2022-1-TR01-KA220-YOU-000087199), short for Promoting Environmental Protection and learning on climate change, is funded through the Turkish National Agency under the Erasmus+ Program key action two, Partnerships for Cooperation in the Youth Field (KA220-YOU).

The project is coordinated by Uşak Municipality and implemented by a consortium of 9 partners consisting of municipalities and civil society organizations from Turkey, Italy, North Macedonia and Greece.

Project Partner
Civil Society Organization

The project aims to address environmental and climate change issues by raising awareness about potential career pathways and translating them into employment opportunities. It will focus on the tourism sector by promoting tourism-related sustainable employment opportunities through the development and enhancement of relevant competencies, attitudes and ultimately green skills for adult learners that will help them explore the “green job” options available in the tourism sector. Within the scope of these objectives, five work packages are targeted to be completed during the project.

Project Objectıves

Informing young people about current issues such as climate change, Promote the wider EU agenda and focus on sustainability and upskill young would-be workers and municipal employees, Outline options when it comes to future jobs related to sustainability in general and the tourism sector more specifically.

Target Groups

The main target groups of the project are municipal employees and young people in the process of joining the labor force. Secondary beneficiaries can be considered as students in relevant fields and citizens in general, youth workers and professionals who can further develop their skills. Finally, long-term beneficiaries are of course tourists or visitors to the regions involved in the project, covering a wide range of expertise such as industry researchers, urban planners, tourism professionals and environmental scientists collecting best practices.